Sunday 16 January 2011

Speech given at the launch of Vibrancy by Voon Kim Cheong

Malaysia is a young country.  Its History of Art barely reaches eight decades, and while Art has grown in that time it is really within the last two decades that Malaysians of all races, seeking fresh ways of expression and looking at issues of identity have come to the fore.

Although there may never be one singular Art which may be pointed to as representative of the Art of Malaysia, many artists capture the feel, hopes and aspirations of this exciting multicultural country.

Art is about the communication of ideas and sharing experiences.  Art can also be instrumental in bringing people together as it has today.

Voon shares with us his energy, but also reveals the energy of his nation.  This exhibition will stand as a testament to the vibrancy and energy in our young artists as they seek to understand the country in which they live and the cultures within it.

This exhibition, like the country in which it is set is ultimately a coming together, not a fusion where self is lost in the mix, but a balance of respectful harmony of races, cultures, religions, coming together in harmony in a space called Malaysia, and it is this harmonious space that Voon reveals to us through his vibrant energetic and at times quite stunning works.

This is his first one-man exhibition.  I look forward to seeing more in the future.


Feel Chi
Absorb the life-force
Feel the vibrancy
Observe the texture
Understand the bonding
The bringing together
Bridging of distances
The ultimate harmony and oneness of a people
Moving forwards
Unique in their individuality
Collective in their passion
This is the gift
Given on reflection

This is the gift given to us this day by Voon Kim Cheong